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Monday, December 23, 2013


Refrigerator Banana Cocoa Oatmeal (Dairy Free)

1/4 cup uncooked old fashion oatmeal
1/3  cup coconut milk (I use canned)
1 1/2 teaspoon dried chow seeds
1 Tablespoon cocoa powder
1 Tablespoon to 1 teaspoon of sweetner (I use 1 Tablespoon of organic sugar. I like it to taste good.)
1/4 cup diced ripe banana (approx half banana) (I use 1/8 cup of dived freeze dried banana)

Add all dry ingredients in half pint, one cup jars. Add coconut milk and cap the jars and shake. Mix in ripe banana if using fresh. Refrigerate overnight.

Notes:  These last days in fridge. I make six at a time and use whole can of coconut milk (I add water to make 2 cups, 6 at 1/3 cups). I have used almond milk and rice milk but they are not as rich (good fat) as coconut milk. Also the oatmeal is better for you because the oatmeal is soaked and easier to digest.

I would post picture but it does not look pretty.

I have altered the original recipe from this site. She has a lot of other options.

I love chocolate and makes breakfast worth eating. :)