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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Bulk Foods and Coupons

 Thanks to an awesome friend I love going to the Amish Country Pantry store.  My Mom and I went this last week and got a lot of fun things.  The wheat and oats are very good.  I am also updating my spices as I run out of the old ones.  The store told us about this website and it is a nice one.  Has recipes and why bulk foods can save money etc.  I will be spending more time looking around on this site.
Discover Bulk Foods

Another friend shared with me this website for coupons and deals on groceries.  I have used this a couple of times.  I shop twice a month for groceries or less.  I don't like to shop.  I don't get a lot of prepared foods so coupons don't always help me.  It is nice to know when produce and other things are on sale.  I need to do more research on this site because I know I can be better with what I do buy.  Both these sites will print your grocery lists and I love that option.  I can have everything together.
Southern Savers     My Grocery Deals   

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