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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Many Faces in CAMO

Here is Lilia in her Camo. The front has a red wagon and the text says, "My First SUV". The back has more lace and a black bow! I never thought she would be in Camo. She looks cute! We are so thankful for all the service men and women who protect our freedoms to live the way we want and believe.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed


Braden Bell said...

You need to get a shot of her and Uncle Nubby in matching camo

Craft-a-Boo said...

She looks so freaking cute!

Courtney said...

Love the camo Amy! She is just adorable.

E said...

Dang she's cute!! is it just me or does she sort of look like Asher?