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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

1 Month Old

Lilia is growing so fast. She loves her bouncer and especially the vibration movement. She is all snuggled up. She does not like to be bundled very much accept when asleep.

I love this look on her face. She is so cute. She is holding her head up and gives me a smile here and there.
Daddy just got home from work and found her in her bouncer. I had just put her in it so I could start dinner. She loves to be held and you can not help but hold her!

This is her one month old pictures. This rocker was given to her by the Ostermillers. She is going to love this chair as she gets older.

Grandma gave her this doll. I thought I got a picture of her next to the doll when she was first born but I can not find it. Here she is at one month old. Soon she will be able to hold the doll!


The Miller's said...

So dang cute!!! She is getting so big. I will have to come visit you again soon. It will be fun when it stays warm out you can take her on little walks.

MAB said...

Oh, she is adorable! Have I mentioned yet how happy I am for you guys?!

Traylor Family said...

She's is so beautiful!

nernin said...

You have a beautiful family!!!!